City: Nuku’alofa
Country: TONGA
James was called to serve God in Tonga 1992, where he met his wife Mele. They were married in there in 1995 and continued to serve in the local Tongan church in various aspects, including youth ministry and preaching / teaching.
Several years ago, James had traveled to USA, to assist his ailing parents. By the grace of God, and strength from the Lord Jesus, his mother, Deanna went home to be with the Lord, then the father James III, some months after…
James has been unable to return to Tonga for quite some time due to being blocked out because of COVID and lack the of finances. Yet we know that God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable; He is faithful to complete the work He first began. (Romans 11:29, Philippians 1:6 We see this fruit manifested as James was able to translate the online Tongan Bible. This undertaking took many years with numerous trials, but with perseverance and much prayer, ultimately God’s work was completed.
PRAISE GOD for this victory in Jesus! The Bible is now being both read and downloaded (ebible.org) to a tune of approximately 40,000 hits per month in 2022, one month receiving nearly 70,000! PRAY for salvation of the Tongan people, for them to read His word and to continue to grow in grace in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
URGENT –The latest prayer request is for James’ wife Mele, who has never fully recoved from an earlier stroke, has now been diagnosed with a uterine tumor. It is inoperable due to her weakened condition and risk of another stroke. Please PRAY for the Lord’s presence to be revealed in a powerful way to our beloved Mele in this hour of trouble. A miracle is needed at this time, God have mercy…
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GO! Ministries
P.O. Box 7035
Norco, CA 92860