Elli Jejeran

State/Prefecture: Transyvania
Country: ROMANIA
Hi, my name is Elli Jejeran, and the Lord has me serving Him in Romania! God blessed me with the gift of growing up on the mission field, and now He is granting me the opportunity to serve Him in full time missions. I am currently based in the town of Petroşani, and am a part of a Calvary Chapel Church Plant here. I serve in many different areas of ministry with the church, and also lead a weekly Bible program for children and a Bible Study for teen girls. My heart’s desire is to see more lost souls find healing and redemption in Jesus Christ.
To send a check:
Simply make your check or money order out to “GO! Ministries” and write the missionary’s account number in the memo line.
Then mail your donation check to:
GO! Ministries
P.O. Box 7035
Norco, CA 92860