City: La Paz
State/Prefecture: Baja California Sur
Country: MEXICO
Familia Martínez,
Misioneros a la Paz BCS Mexico
Con el favor de nuestro Dios y su apoyo estaremos saliendo en el próximo mes de septiembre 2024 a La Paz BCS, con el objetivo de comenzar una iglesia cristiana Bautista. Compartiremos el evangelio en las calles y los hogares que nos lo permitan. Comenzaremos la iglesia en un lugar donde vive gente de bajos recursos, se llama colonia Calafia. El reto es grande pero confiamos en que Dios hará su obra maravillosa en el corazón de la gente, nosotros sólo queremos obedecer a su mandato. Agradecemos mucho sus oraciones.
Marcos 16:15📖
Martinez Family
Missionaries to La Paz, BCS, México
With our God’s favor and your support, we are leaving this next month of September 2024 to La Paz BCS with the goal of starting a Christian Baptist Church. We will share the gospel in the streets and to the homes where they allow us. We will begin a church in a low-income neighborhood called Calafia. The goal is large, but we trust that God will do a marvelous work in the hearts of the people. We only want to obey His command. We appreciate your prayers very much.
Mark 16:15 📖
To send a check:
Simply make your check or money order out to “GO! Ministries” and write the missionary’s account number in the memo line.
Then mail your donation check to:
GO! Ministries
P.O. Box 7035
Norco, CA 92860