City: Houston
State/Prefecture: TX
Country: USA
Rich hosts a Podcast “Listen to Rich” that features interviews and commentary.
Rich creates video teaching for pastors in India. The videos are translated into different languages and distributed freely throughout.
Rich and Arthy lead a Bible study among Indian people and assist in a Pakistani church plant in the city of Houston, Texas.
Rich has served as a missionary since 1988. Together, Rich and Arthy have spent their entire married lives as missionaries, teaching the Bible and church planting. They joined GO Ministries in 2002 and have planted a church and teach the Bible.
For full bio visit www.RichardBustraan.com
To send a check:
Simply make your check or money order out to “GO! Ministries” and write the missionary’s account number in the memo line.
Then mail your donation check to:
GO! Ministries
P.O. Box 7035
Norco, CA 92860