Country: FRANCE
Pierre pastored the first Calvary church plant in France from 1993 to 2019. His desire is to see people discover Jesus and grow in their relationship with Him. He hopes that French people would become students of the Word, grow in their prayer life, and develop servants’ hearts.
He and his wife Nancy are making themselves available to serve in any way needed at the Calvary church plants in France (Paris, Lyon, Bourges, La Rochelle and Valenciennes). They hope to organize the first French Calvary Chapel retreat in 2022.
Having created a union of Calvary churches in 2021 he is currently applying to the National Evangelical Council for acceptance.
He would like to spend more time in translating resources including the “Enduring Word” commentaries on the Bible by Pastor Dave Guzik.
He also helps with the affiliation of new Calvary churches in Western Europe.
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GO! Ministries
P.O. Box 7035
Norco, CA 92860