State/Prefecture: Transyvania
Country: ROMANIA
JEJE & COLEEN JEJERAN – Alba County, Romania
Romania – December 1989 – JeJe made plans with friends to escape Communist Romania by making a run across the Hungarian border on Christmas Eve (guards would be pre-occupied with Christmas celebrations). BUT GOD intervened, on December 20th (JeJe’s 17th birthday) the Holy Spirit would start a “freedom” revolution using a small church in Timisoara…within days, Romania was a “free” country.
The following month (January 1990), American missionaries would arrive in Romania. They started a church in the heart of the coal mining mountains, along with street evangelism in their t-shirts and shorts. A very curious JeJe would begin to attend their church meetings and gatherings; giving his life to Jesus the following year.
Meanwhile, over in California – that same year (1991), Coleen (born and raised in the Hollywood area) would call out to Jesus in full surrender of her heart and life. By 1995 she would find herself on her first ever mission trip…to Romania; but she and JeJe were not to meet on that trip…She was, however, asked by the ministry team to prayerfully consider coming and joining the mission full time; with her focus being orphan care. She couldn’t believe how God used her broken (orphaned at 16), yet redeemed and restored life – to minister the love of Jesus to others. She would make the full time move early 1997.
Fueled by a love for studying God’s Word, JeJe attended the Bible College in Hungary 1994-1995. He would become an addition to the ministry team (assistant pastor) by late 1995; also orphaned as an infant, his focus was on discipleship of teen orphan boys – and teaching them life skills in construction.
God would bring their hearts together in Spring of 1998 (He writes the best stories) and were married in the Fall. They have 2 amazing, grown children – who love and serve Jesus. Their daughter, Elli, is also a “GO!” missionary. Their son, James, is a college graduate who hopes to return to Romania one day.
The Lord has used the Jejerans to help plant over 12 churches in various countries. They currently reside in the County of Alba where they love and serve the local and village churches. They are involved in preaching, teaching, discipling, Biblical counseling, orphan care, children’s programs and more. They travel all over Romania to minister to all people for Jesus.
Future plans include opening Transylvania Bible Institute.
“Exalt the LORD with me, And let’s exalt His name together.” Psalm 34:3
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GO! Ministries
P.O. Box 7035
Norco, CA 92860