City: Turin
Country: ITALY
Ciao! My name is Estie, and I currently serve as a missionary in Torino, Italy. I am in my 30s, was born in the United States, and was raised in Mexico as the daughter of missionaries Bill and Reneè Martin who planted Calvary Chapel Puerto Vallarta. At 19 years old, I left home to study at CCBC Murrieta where I interned for a year and then moved to Washington State to work at a pregnancy resource center. In October 2018 I traveled to Europe with friends, and upon arriving in Italy, I had a strong sense that in a year I would be back.
Through a CCBC staff member, I was put in contact with David and Denae Downs who had just planted Calvary Torino in February 2019. I was invited to spend three months with them to get to know the country, ministry, team, and pray to find out if I was called to Italy long-term (September- December 2019). At the end of my three- month stay I knew God was calling me to Italy. I returned to the United States in early 2020 to sell everything and pursue my religious visa. On March 5th, 2020 I arrived back in Torino, one week before the country went into the first major Covid-19 lock-down. This made my first two years here very interesting, to say the least! Through the ups and downs of Covid, our church has continued to grow, and with that, so have my responsibilities with the hope of being able to fill even more needs as they arise.
As is the case with most small church plants, the roles in the church are very diverse in order to meet a large range of needs that are always changing. Currently, I manage the Audio & Video department, help Dave and Denae as their personal assistant, oversee set up and tear down of Sunday services, help organize church events, disciple people, and serve on the creative and directive team for the Più Forti CD and video project (producing music, music videos, and children’s curriculum for the Italian churches), with the plan of expanding my roles as the needs arise.
To send a check:
Simply make your check or money order out to “GO! Ministries” and write the missionary’s account number in the memo line.
Then mail your donation check to:
GO! Ministries
P.O. Box 7035
Norco, CA 92860